Dawn Clements at Pierogi

Dawn Clements

Dawn Clements - "The Name of the Rose (Self Portrait, MacDowell)," 2018, Ballpoint pen ink, watercolor, colored pencil on paper, 72.5 x 29 inches

This is a self-portrait that the artist made during a residency at the MacDowell Colony, while listening to an audio recording of Umberto Eco’s book The Name of the Rose. Dialogue from the story infiltrates her drawing, the words literally drawn into the work, forming a frame around her figure.

“The Name of the Rose (Self Portrait, MacDowell),” 2018, Ballpoint pen ink, watercolor, colored pencil on paper, 72.5 x 29 inches

This is a self-portrait that the artist made during a residency at the MacDowell Colony, while listening to an audio recording of Umberto Eco’s book The Name of the Rose. Dialogue from the story infiltrates her drawing, the words literally drawn into the work, forming a frame around her figure.