First, Second, and Third Person at Pierogi

Christophe Thompson

Christophe Thompson - Four excerpts from "Chess Match," 2017, Mixed media on paper, dimensions range from 9 to 10.5 inches in diameter 

This work includes Four Excerpts from “Chess Match,” a multi-layered, autobiographical narrative about the rise of a Haitian slave becoming the only monarch in the Western Hemisphere, the generational challenges his descendants faced in the Bahamas, and their attempts to learn from the mistakes of the past, but ultimately it centers on the relationship between a father and son.

Four excerpts from “Chess Match,” 2017, Mixed media on paper, dimensions range from 9 to 10.5 inches in diameter

This work includes Four Excerpts from “Chess Match,” a multi-layered, autobiographical narrative about the rise of a Haitian slave becoming the only monarch in the Western Hemisphere, the generational challenges his descendants faced in the Bahamas, and their attempts to learn from the mistakes of the past, but ultimately it centers on the relationship between a father and son.