J Fiber at Flood Gallery Fine Art Center(Asheville, NC)

If you can, check this show out! And make sure not to miss Jane Fine”s Formulas for Now at  Pierogi.

Flood Gallery Presents:

Three out of Two

A Show of Collaborative works
by James Esber and Jane Fine

April 7th-April 30, 2012

J Fiber at Flood Gallery Fine Art Center(Asheville, NC) - If you can, check this show out! And make sure not to miss Jane Fine"s <em>Formulas for Now </em>at  Pierogi.

Flood Gallery Presents:

Three out of Two

A Show of Collaborative works
by James Esber and Jane Fine

April 7th-April 30, 2012

<img src="http://www.floodgallery.org/images/esber.jpg" alt="" width="486" height="648" border="0" />

<a href="http://www.floodgallery.org/exhibitions.html">CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS</a>