Amy Chan

Amy Chan - "Mystical Donut," 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 15 x 18.5 inches








Amy Chan, “Mystical Donut,” 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 15 x 18.5 inches

Amy Chan - "Mystical Donut," 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 15 x 18.5 inches













Amy Chan, “MoonMunch,” 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 15 x 18 inches

Amy Chan - "Moon Munch," 2012,  gouache and acrylic on paper, 15 x 18 inches













Amy Chan, “Circle D,” 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 21.5 x 15.75 inches

Amy Chan - "Wigwam Motel," 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 21.5 x 15.75 inches















Amy Chan, “Aloe over Nazca,” 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 14.75 x 19 inches

Amy Chan - "Aloe over Nazca," 2012, gouache and acrylic on paper, 14.75 x 19 inches